About Martijns-Support

Who's Martijn?

Martijn is a freelancer with extended experience in computers, networks and audio & video equipment. I enjoy solving people’s problems and helping them get out of the tangle that often accompanies them. Give me a challenge and I’ll give you a positive result.

Support of services

There is a solution for every computer-related problem and
I can offer you a variety of support services.

Support for Mac or Windows

For every Mac or Windows related problem is an solution.
I offer a variety of different support services.

The WiFi is unreliable

Everyone will recognize this problem with the WiFi network: the connection drops or there is bad reception somewhere in the house or office. This can be very irritating.
There are several solutions I can offer to get a stable and fast WiFi-network with the best coverage.
Which solution would in your situation apply depends on the existing WiFI infrastructure, the house and the used devices.
I can pay you a visit to make an inventory of the existing situation. In most cases I can optimize it directly, if necessary with the help of some extra equipment, which can be quickly arranged. I have several different WiFi products with me, which can be installed immediately.

Replacement of the old harddrive

After a while, the computer or Mac gets slower. This is generally caused by the large number of software updates carried out by Windows or Mac OS. Some other software applications also demand a lot of the computer’s hardware.
In many cases, the performance of the computer is determined primarily by the hard-drive. In almost all computers and Macs, this can be replaced by an SSD-drive.
By installing an SSD-drive, the performance of the computer or Mac will be significantly improved and booting speed increased. Programs will also start faster.
I always have several SSD-drives with me, which can be installed immediately. This way, you will not have to be without your computer.

How to do backup easily

Nowadays every computer stores a large amount of data. Imagine thousands of holiday photos, office documents or a music collection. Nobody wants to lose these when something goes wrong with the computer.
A backup of this data is essential. Making an automatic backup is in most cases not set or not efficiently applied. Normally, just one action should be enough to run a fast backup.
In some cases you could choose to make an backup in a Cloud service. I can give you advice on which service to choose and how to set it up.

Dealing with passwords

The much-heard question today is how to deal with so many different passwords.
Every website, app or device requires a password or login code.
In most cases you choose one password that you use in various combinations.
Now, especially with the new legislation, it is most important that a secure password is chosen.
I can help you to organize your passwords, and also advise you in what not to do.
In addition, I can suggest several solutions to prevent this becoming a nuisance.

Is your Mac running slow?

With an upgrade it becomes fast again.

Just some numbers

Mac upgrades
Enhanced WiFi
Experience years

Can be reached anytime

For each question


Call me

You can contact me by phone between 8:00 and 20:00.


App me

A message through Whatsapp is fast and easy, I will react soon


Email me

Just send me an Email


Text me

Send me a textmessage and I will react soon

Is your pc, Mac, iPhone or Androidphone malfunctioning?

Please contact me and I will repair it at your home.